
Payment and provision consequentiality in voluntary contribution mechanism: separate or joint effects?

He, J., Dupras, J., Ndefo, F. et al. Payment and provision consequentiality in voluntary contribution mechanism: separate or joint effects? Lett Spat Resour Sci 13, 11–36 (2020).

We conducted a field stated preferences survey to understand the influence of payment and provision consequentiality script on valuation associated with voluntary contribution. Based on four treatment groups with single or combined consequentiality scripts and a contingent-ranking willingness to pay question, this paper provided some evidence that at least for some attributes, a respondent facing positive provision probability reported a significantly higher preference for the opt-in projects if and only if the payment consequentiality was co-presented. For the payment consequentiality, its impact on valuation was independent of the presence of provision consequentiality. We also discussed the limits of our study and provided suggestions for future research in this line.